Devneo is a webpage design company created by Mac Boland and Danny Fisher in early 2016. We create quality websites for our customers at affordable prices, depending on the amount of time the project takes. We create good websites with strong features and beautiful pages. We can create any type of website from business websites (like this one), to personal blogs. Our pricing is $50 up front, and $20 a week if the project takes more than 10 days. Please note, Devneo does not host websites for anyone. We create the website, and then you can send the design to a hosting company to put your website up. Thank you for considering Devneo Website Design!
Mac is a moderately skilled coder, and specializes in html and css. Mac also dabs in php. He can be reached at
Danny is an elite coder, who is fluent in HTML, css, JavaScript, jQuery, Java, and PHP. He can be reached at
To contact us about getting your new website started, you can e-mail us at or, or call us at 404-641-6727. Thank you for your interest in Devneo Web Design.